� <--- Ha

I almost killed about 17 people today at work. Seriously. Not a good day. I think I should get points for managing to go in there every day with a positive outlook, though. Lord help me, I am trying.

And I think we can now safely assume that I did not get that job I interviewed for 2 weeks ago. Ugh. I mean... I knew I wouldn't. Jobs like that don't go to people like me. They just don't.

Am I finished feeling sorry for myself? Never. Never ever ever. Ha.

So, they've hired yet another new person... what the hell are they doing? I noticed a modified schedule for next week was posted today, where this new person is on there... and I automatically don't like them, because they have a very unnecessary E on the end of their name. And, yes, that is grounds for me not liking someone. At least until I actually meet them and they give me other reasons to dislike them. Anyways, also on this modified schedule, 2 of my shifts are now shorter. It's hardly even worth me dragging my lifeless carcass in there for a 4 and a half hour shift. Ugh. It's just a good thing that this week is almost 40 hours. Because next week sure as hell ain't.

I just want someone to offer me a new job. Right now. Because this whole me looking for a better job thing just isn't working out. I think I'd actually be more successful if I just waited for a better job to come to me.

Yeah, those oatmeal squares are the hotness. I'm going to have one right now. Then I'll do something crazy like Yoga. Then I'll punch a hole in the wall, read a bit, and go to bed. Yeah, honestly, that's pretty much exactly what I feel like doing. Although if I punch a hole in the wall, I can kiss my damage deposit goodbye. Perhaps I'll re-evaluate that one. But, yeah, the rest of that is doable.

2007-02-19 at 7:04 p.m.