Clothes From The Store I Work At Will Be Made FAMOUS On The Local News. Heh.

So I was at work today, standing at the cash register and staring off into space when who should walk up to me? The female Cracktown reporter from Sea Aitch News. Uh... Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Woman, I guess. I just about flipped out. Because apparently my existance is still really sad. Anyways, she was really friendly and nice. I told her how I enjoy her on the news. It was pretty cool. I told Angry Girl about it afterwards, but she didn't think it was nearly as exciting as I thought it was. Hey, I gotta get my kicks where I can at work. Just before Christmas, one of the local MLAs was in the store and even though he belongs to the politcal party that I do not care for in the least, I still thought it was hella cool.

Work today was alright. My first shift in quite a while where I didn't want to kill myself the entire time I was there. I think that may have been because it was a different shift than I usually work. Like, as I've said before... more often than not, I start at 8 in the morning and usually work until 4:30, with the occasional shift ending at 4 or 2:30 instead just for a tiny bit of variety. But today was 12-8 which is BRUTAL in terms of taking the bus to and from work, but it shook things up a bit and maybe that's what I needed to make my day not so bad. I dunno. I'm not going to question it, though.

But, yeah, I had to wait over an hour for the next bus after work. So I wandered around the mall, picked up a couple groceries, and I *gasp* went to Starbucks. Because that gift card is starting to piss me off. I want it out of my life. And... yeah. There you go.

So... my parents are supposed to be here tomorrow morning around 11, and will leave again at around 3. Woo. Way to spend almost as much time travelling as you actually spend here. Well, okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration but... it makes me sad how little time my folks spend here when they come to visit. But I'm happy they're coming. I'm quite excited, actually. And not just because they're reportedly bringing me a whole assload of stuff. Although that sure is nice.

Well... I'm outta here. I'll talk to you later, my beauties.

2007-02-16 at 9:41 p.m.