Pretty Sure I'm The Only Person In Cracktown Who Doesn't Smoke Pot

There was a time where I never thought I'd say this but... can I please be able to go to the Not So Good Mall just one time without seeing RSGM? This has officially gotten ridiculous.

Anyways... I also went downtown this morning and as I was walking out of the Creepy Mall, this guy behind me was shouting "Hey, wait up! How you doin'?" So I stopped and turned around, and he ran up to me and was all friendly, introducing himself and whatnot and he was like "Do you live here? I'm visiting here from Jamaica. This your town?" and when I said that I did infact live here, he was like "Oh, good. Because I need something. I need some weed. Can you tell me where to get some?" And I was just like "Um... no. Sorry." "What? But this is your town, right?" "Yeah... but I don't smoke weed, therefore I do not know where to get weed." So then he was like "Oh... okay. Well, do you have time to get a coffee?" I lied and said I was busy, then went back into the mall.

So there's my bizarre story for the day, I guess. I dunno, there's just something about someone singling me out in a crowd just to ask if I know where to get some pot that kind of bothers me. I'm sure the poor soul found some easy enough, though. It was downtown Cracktown, there was probably someone smoking some on the street not too far away.

I'm cleaning my apartment. And look at me go. Well, the night is young, I guess. Still plenty of time. I want it looking decent for when my parents come on Saturday. Not that they'll be here very long. I'll probably be extremely disappointed, just like I always am when they come to visit. But at least they're coming. It's giving me something to live for.

I work a very screwed up shift tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it. But then, you know... when do I ever look forward to work? Exactly. One of the stores I was looking in today had a Magic 8 Ball for sale, so I asked it if I'd get a better job soon and it said "It is certain". It better be right.

2007-02-15 at 6:57 p.m.