I'm A Loser, You're A Loser, We're All LOSERS

So, yeah, it's decided. Not going to work tomorrow. Screw it. I'll be poor. I just can't go back there. I know I've said this a few times now but... I almost quit today. Like, had there been a manager around, I would have done it. But they always seem to make themselves scarce when I want to tell them exactly what they can do with this little job. Which, in the end, is probably a good thing. But... yeah. I just can't go back there tomorrow. Tomorrow will be for me to recover. I'll go back on Monday, fresh as a daisy and fully healed.

But speaking of stuff... oh my god, this is great. The newest semi-management person quit in disgust yesterday, and stormed out of the store. Bee-yoo-tee-ful. For a few reasons. First of all, she was pretty useless. Secondly... we need more of this going on. I think this is fantastic. Too many people are civilized about quitting. That's not nearly as interesting to hear about later.

So, yeah, this morning I had a good walk to get to the bus. I quite enjoyed it, the temperature was just perfect. It was all good. It's just too bad that my day went steadily downhill from there.

I finally got prescription drug coverage. My mom has only been hassling me to do this since, like, FOREVER. I only put off doing it because drugs are bad, mmmkay? Even those doctor prescribed ones. They don't know what the hell they're doing. Anyways, though, if I were to go out and get myself medicated, the government would pick up the majority of the tab. I love how when you apply for this, they take your net income from 2 years ago. The year I only made, like, a thousand bucks. So, yeah, you damn well better pay for most of my drugs, government. I is broke ass poor.

Anyways, the only highlight of my day is that I found 2 bucks. Me thinks I should go buy some bread and chocolate. The two necessary staples in my diet.

2007-02-10 at 5:35 p.m.