I Didn't Fuck It Up! Yippee!

Okay, so you know what? That interview could not have gone better. I feel good about that. I did well. So I know that if I don't get the job, it's not because I fucked up the interview. That's a horrible feeling, by the way, when you know that's why you didn't get the job. Like... here's a fun story for you. Just after I moved to Nutty McShitville, I had an interview at a shoe store that was just opening up, and they were looking to hire a bunch of people. At that time, all that I had ever done was sell shoes. That was my thing, I was the shoe lady. However... didn't get the job. And if they had been filming that interview for a documentary, the film would have been titled "Exactly What You Should Not Say Or Do During A Job Interview". For reals.

Well, like... I was 18, it was my first real job interview because I was lucky enough that my first two jobs didn't require me to be interviewed first since my employer already knew me. So... yeah. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. At the time I didn't even realize I had done anything wrong. But now, after my countless job search workshops and countless interviews... oh god. I still cringe when I think about it.

So, yeah, I feel good about how I did with this interview. I was very well-spoken, asked good questions and answered their questions appropriately... bullshitting the entire time, of course. Cuz you gotta. But, yeah, I think the job sounds exciting. I guess they'll be deciding in the next week or two who they're going to hire.

So to celebrate a job well done, I went out and bought a Snickers bar and a Lean Cuisine frozen entree thingie, because I like to send my body mixed signals. I also threw my purse under the bus, but that wasn't really a celebration thing, that just happened because I'm an idiot. I used up all of my coolness for this week during the interview, so I just have to live with the clumsy consequences right now.

I'm supposed to still be at work for another hour or so. Well, that was one thing about leaving early today... at least it was a pretty short shift to begin with. But man, going in there knowing you only have to work three hours... pretty sweet. And management didn't give me a hard time about leaving early at all. I almost wish they had, though, because I felt so guilty... them letting me go without any hassel, telling me that they hope my "appointment" goes well... aw man. Well, whatever.

Now I have tomorrow off before I work my six days straight. Ugh.

2007-02-07 at 1:27 p.m.