TV Respects Me

So I was talking to my mom yesterday on MSN and she ended up saying that sometimes she doesn't have much faith in me and... well, it made me cry. A lot. Like, maybe it was one of those things... maybe if she had said it to my face I would have just laughed because I would have interpretted it differently due to the tone, body language, or whatever the hell. But in the context it was in on cold MSN Messenger... yeah, I took it pretty damn personally. So I do believe my mother, despite what I said a couple entries ago about her always making me feel better, is temporarily in my shit books until I forget all that happened.

I don't even know what I've said/done lately to make her not have faith in me. Crikey. Well, I have faith in me, at least.

So my knee is mostly better. It still hurts a fair amount, but at least I managed to go out for a while today without too much pain. I mean, yesterday I couldn't bend it at all without experiencing complete agony, so that pretty much made living almost impossible. But I guess keeping off it for the majority of the day yesterday has helped a lot. I hope if I kick back for the rest of this evening, it'll be mostly healed by the time I go to work tomorrow.

I made muffins today! I made muffins today! I made muffins today! I'm excited. It's just a mix, but I'm still proud of myself. I gotta start somewhere. And the main thing I'm impressed with is I didn't burn the things, or make a huge mess all over the place like I'm prone to doing. Like... I'd really like to become a good baker. My mom is a really good baker, and my grandma used to be too. My grandma doesn't bake anymore though because she can't get around very well, so she's going to be giving me all of her baking stuff so that I hopefully can get into it. My parents are planning to come down here soon, so they'll probably bring all that stuff. I don't even know what all I'll be getting. But... yeah. Maybe one day I'll be able to make muffins from scratch! And when I do, you'll hear it here first.

I need to do dishes and, for once, it's not because I'm out of knives. It's because I'm out of bowls. What's up with that? I seem to use an average of 17 bowls per day now. So, yeah, I'm just going to do dishes, have a shower, make some tea, and watch some TV. Good ol' TV.

2007-02-03 at 6:10 p.m.