Have I Mentioned That I'm 100 Years Old?

Gah, they cancelled the noon news on one of the local TV stations. How stupid. I think that every station should have a morning, noon, evening, and late news. At the very least. Maybe throw in a couple more newscasts during the day as well. But the fact that both local channels now only have evening and late news, and one of them doesn't even have weekend news at all, is just no good. Do I have to step in and do something about this? I have always wanted to start up my own TV station. And I know that's a cheap and easy thing to do. Shouldn't be a problem.

Anyways. I'm not going out today, because I am just one big ball of pathetic. It pisses me off, though, because I was really planning on doing things today. But if I can't even make it from the living room to the kitchen without dying, then I somehow doubt I'd successfully make it out of the building, even if I tried. So there you go.

So I'm spending my day consuming large amounts of generic store brand cookies and generic store brand diet cola, and playing around on Neopets. You know how many tens of thousands of Neopoints I've made already today? I wish I could trade them in for cash. Why can't making money in the real world be as easy as on Neopets?

This morning I ended up e-mailing Future Possible Roommate... since last night when Angry Girl asked me if I was moving in with her and I said no, I decided I should actually tell her first before Angry Girl went and blabbed it to her. That would have been far worse. So, yeah, I e-mailed her and the reason I gave was that I am considering a move back to Nutty McShitville in the next few months, and that moving in with her just to possibly move out again soon after was not worth the effort and pain for the both of us. I thought she'd be so pissed, because like I said she was so enthusiastic about this. She ended up coming on MSN a little bit later and she told me that all day yesterday she was freaking out and trying to figure out a way to tell me that she was just going to rent a room at a friend's house, and that she wasn't able to be roommates with me anymore either. The whole thing is kinda funny, because we were both worried about hurting the other one but in the end it is allll good. But, yeah, I was really nervous about telling her. I mean, she's told EVERYONE at work that we were going to be roommates, and if it had been me raining on her parade she would have told EVERYONE what a bitch I was. No doubt.

Anyways... enough of me. Back to Neopets I go. I'm sure my pets need to be fed more omelettes or something...

2007-02-02 at 1:32 p.m.