Take This Job And... Well, You Know The Rest

Oh god. The pain.

Work today was brutal, I shouldn't even have to tell you. And they changed my shift tomorrow from an early one to a late one, and shortened it by half an hour. It could be worse, though... not surprisingly they were about to start cancelling shifts because they had too many people starting early and cancelling shifts seems to be their solution to everything. It's okay though, I don't have too much of a problem with working a late shift... it's been awhile. Also I start at 8 in the morning more often than not and, while I do really like starting then, it's also kind of nice to just be able to lie around in the morning doing nothing and relaxing for a while before being thrown into the cold, dark, terrifying reality that is my job.

Today at work Thing 1 and I were talking openly, loudly, and with many customers around about how we hate our jobs and want to quit. And apparently Thing 1 and another co-worker of ours, on their way to work this morning on the bus, were discussing all of the people they knew who wanted to quit and all of the names they came up with, between the two of them, added up to pretty much the entire staff. There is a serious serious damn problem when that many people at one place want to quit. For real.

Still thinking about that other place... I mentioned it to Thing 1 that I was considering it, and she said that she heard they start at 3 bucks an hour more than what I'm making now... which is a little bit more reasonable than the 6 bucks that I originally heard. Either way, though, it's worth me taking the time on Friday to see how difficult it would be to get to this place. And, as long as I don't die on the way, I'll pretty much conclude that the whole thing is doable and I'll apply there. Because even if it is only 3 bucks an hour more than what I'm making now... that adds up pretty quickly. And I've seen how sometimes even a little bit of extra money goes a long way. I would really like that.

And so much for me not talking about plans until they become a reality. Why do I keep jinxing myself like this? Because that's probably what I'm doing.

Ugh. Anyways. Enough of me for now.

2007-01-30 at 7:02 p.m.