Back In Cold Lonely Miserable Cracktown

And I'm back again.

Going home was good times. My parents had some surprises for me. First of all, I found out that on their 25th anniversary last month, they had some portraits done. When I got to their house, my mom handed me this envelope and said "Hey, look at this" and... yeah. It was some pictures of them. Now, this may not seem like a huge thing to most people but both my parents, and my mom in particular, HATE getting their pictures taken. I think there's maybe about 10 pictures of my mom that exist in the entire world. So I was really happy about this, they gave me an 8x10 and bought me a picture frame for it too, so it's all good. Dunno where I'll put it, though. But I'll find a place. It's such a nice picture of them too. My parents are so pretty. No wonder I turned out like I am.

[insert hysterical laughter here]

They also had a Christmas present for me that apparently didn't arrive until after Christmas. The Best Of Match Game on DVD. Hellz yeah. I love Match Game, and I had no idea that it was even out on DVD. So great.

And of course my mom bought me a lot of stuff while I was there. She bought me 14 bagels. She had this coupon for a dollar off of a "dozen" bagels at this particular grocery store, and at the bottom of the coupon it said "At [name of grocery store], a dozen is always 14." I don't know about you, but that's one of the craziest things I've heard in a while. So, yeah, I have 14 bagels now. She also bought me a couple of packages of cheese slices. And, um... what else? Well, like, meals and stuff too. And she wanted to reimburse me for my bus ticket, but I wouldn't let her. It's one thing if they ask me to come up. I mean, in that case I would have let them pay me back. But I invited myself up, so the least I can do is pay my own way. I also bought myself underwear, since I was too absent-minded to remember to pack any. Score one for me.

By the way, the bus ride up was brutal. It was so late and I was so tired and after work I actually had about 5 hours before I had to leave, and I pretty much went insane waiting. But that happens. At least my parents drove me home, though. I dislike the bus. The train is a lot nicer, but the train is also a lot more inconvenient so... there you go.

Oh, and work on Thursday was... interesting. A lot of shit goin' down. Oh, the pain. I work tomorrow, then I get 2 damn days off again. If only I hadn't promised management that I wouldn't quit. Otherwise I'd spend that time looking for a better paying more convenient job with a company that isn't as screwed up. So now I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do... Oh, and by the way, management appears to be at least temporarily keeping their promise of more hours. Next week I have slightly over 30, which sure does beat the hell out of the slightly over 20 that I have this week.

2007-01-21 at 3:30 p.m.