Employee Of The Month

Ugh. So you know what? I can't quit my job. Management took me aside again today... they reeeeeeally don't want to lose me. They have promised me more hours in exchange for me promising not to quit on them. But they went on this big spiel... how much they love me, how much everyone loves me, what a good worker I am, and how I'm one of the best employees they have. I'm not kidding. I was just sitting there going "Um... wow... okay..." And I've had a couple members of management comment on me seeming to be happier lately. The one today was like "You seem a lot more cheerful lately... have you gotten another job?" Ha.

So... yeah. First of all, I don't know why I seem happier lately at work, because I don't think I am. But I'm glad that I'm giving that impression, at least. But, like, this job... I've said it before, it's a good job. The pay is shit, the hours are shit, and it's ruined my life, but it's a good job. I can honestly say it's the best job I've had, but that's not saying a whole lot considering my job history. But I do like it. I like the variety... I'm not doing the same thing every day. And I like the people which, considering I'm not one of those "I like people!" people, is really saying something. If management is willing to give me enough hours so that I can survive financially, I'm willing to stay there until I have a better idea about what I want to do with my life.

Because as it stands right now, I may not have any clue as to what I want to be when I "grow up", but I'm damn sure I do not want to make retail my career.

Anyways... yee doggy, goin' home tomorrah! Jeez, maybe I should pack tonight. Crikey. I mean, I'll probably have time tomorrow after work before I leave to do that, but don't wanna leave it all to the last minute. I'll be getting into Nutty McShitville at ridiculous stupid late o'clock, and I'm sure my parents are going to be quite dead because they're going to be helping my cousin and his family move into their new house tomorrow. Big day for the 'rents. And... yeah. Really not sure what I'm going to do when I'm there, other than that my grandma has a hair appointment on Friday morning that my mom has to take her to, and I'll tag along because it will likely mean free lunch. But other than that, no solid plans. I'm just happy to be going home for a few days, though.

Anyways... I'm out of here. Dunno if I'll write tomorrow... it'll depend on how much time I have and whether or not anything blog-worthy happened at work. Y'all can survive a few days without me, though, can't ya? I know it'll be hard but... be strong.

2007-01-17 at 7:51 p.m.