Emu Hates The Snow

Ha, management tried to send me home again today, but I told them no. I will not allow them to whittle down my work week even more. I'm getting right royally pissed off at them. I know I'm not the only one who's had shifts cancelled week, but I often seem to be the first one they go to when they have too many employees and want to start sending people home. I don't know if they're doing it because they hate me or because they think they're doing me a favour but... it's getting ridiculous, either way.

Possible Future Roommate is extremely gung ho about us living together. I'm still not sure what to think. I'm still not even really sure if I want to. Especially since she is really really determined to find a place close to where we work and, while that may be great at first, it will be not so great when (and it's not a matter of if, it's when) I leave that place for greener pastures... watch me end up getting a job downtown. If I end up living up by where I'm working now, a commute to downtown would be brutal to the nth degree because transit sucks ass.

See... these are the kinds of things I think about. There's nothing saying I'm going to actually end up living with her, there's nothing saying that we're going to end up with a place up there, and there's nothing saying I even have a chance at getting a job downtown but yet that's where my train of thought automatically goes. There isn't even a place downtown that pops out at me as being a place where I'd like to work. So I don't know why my brain is even going there.


Going home on Thursday night after work. Yayz and all that. I guess it's been less than a month since I was last there, but whatever. I'm going back. I mean, I have a three day weekend that falls on an actual weekend, so I might as well. If I ever get a three day weekend during the week (which, the way I'm going, is a huge possibility), it will be used for some hardcore job searching. But a three day weekend on the weekend might as well be used for sponging off of the parents.

So... got tomorrow off. Dunno what I'm doing. If it snows like it's supposed to tonight, though, I probably won't be doing much. Goddamn, I hate the snow. But... yeah. We'll see.

2007-01-15 at 5:57 p.m.