And I Lose It Completely, Yet Again

So. Work just called, and cancelled one of my shifts for this week. So I now have 18 paid hours of work this week. Holy shit. Next week, provided they don't freakin' cancel any of those shifts, I have 21 and a half paid hours. Hahahahahahahahaha. I laugh... because if I don't laugh, I cry.

'Kay, cuz the thing is... if I'm moving, I don't want to be looking for a job at the same time. I am very easily overwhelmed (can you tell?), and doing both would just send me over the edge. But damn. Damn damn damn damn damn.

And the more I think about it, the more I do not particularly want to live with that girl from work. I think I would be annoyed constantly. Just... AAAAAAHHHH! I'm freaking out right now! I'm not even kidding. I just don't know what to do.

There are days, especially lately, when I really wish I had never bothered moving here. I mean, quite literally... if I wanted to work at the store I'm working at now, I could have stayed in Nutty McShitville. It's because I didn't want to work stupid-assed jobs like this that I thought moving to Cracktown was a good idea. But look at me now! Ah hahaha. If I were still living with my parents, I'd be beyond estatic with 20 hours a week. I'd have enough money to help chip in for groceries and stuff, and still have some left over to have some fun.

But Jesus Christ, I just calculated this and I have to work 68 hours just to be able to pay my rent. And that doesn't take into consideration deductions and stuff, so it actually would be even more. If that fact isn't enough to make me run screaming into the woods, I don't know what is.

I can't handle this right now.

2007-01-14 at 1:31 p.m.