Scaring People Pretty Much Gets My Vote For The Funniest Thing Ever

My Gold Membership is going to expire in 29.86 days, or whatever the hell ridiculous number that reminder e-mail just said. If someone were to, like, renew it for me, I'd be much obliged. Consider it an early birthday present, or a late Christmas present. I'd die without my stats, man. They make me feel validated. Although lately they've been slow as fuck, and I swear they don't even work sometimes... like when they said no one has read my diary, but yet during that time I've gotten notes from people who clearly have read it. But whatever.


I'm clearly getting sick. Insert theories as to why here. My throat is killing me, and I'm developing quite the ugly cough. I'm not impressed. I cannot afford to take any more time off of work for any kind of sickness.

Although today management asked if it was okay if they changed two 6 and a half hour shifts I had at the end of this week to 7 and a half and 8 hour shifts, respectively. And I said "Duh". Also next week, my schedule is rather tasty... Monday to Friday, all 8 hour shifts except for one 6 and a half hour one. I can deal with that. But also today, when management was discussing my schedule change with me, they said "And, uh... have you found another job yet? Because I don't want to go too far into doing up schedules if you have, and you're leaving." That made me feel crappy. But yet later on, when I ended up accidently scaring the shit out of that particular manager... laughed my ass off. Funniest thing I experienced today.

I don't know why, but Angry Girl really wants to go bowling with me. Bowling is so cool. And I like how every time we talked at work today there was nothing weird or awkward or any mention of what happened on New Years. I almost wonder if she was too drunk to remember. But she remembered how she made a big thing about her wanting me to go bowling with her, so I dunno. Doesn't matter. But it still makes me smile when I think of it, so it was all good.

I'm cold and tired and sick. I'm going to bed now.

2007-01-02 at 9:09 p.m.