2007 Is Off To An Interesting Start...

Hahaha, 2007. That looks weird.

Anyways... I just got home. My New Years celebrations started at around 4:30 yesterday afternoon and ended around 4:30 this morning. Not all of it was great, most of it really wasn't, but you wanna know probably the most surprising thing that happened?

You get three guesses. You'll never get it.

Okay, time's up.

In a haze of drunkeness and emotion... I ended up making out with Angry Girl. A few times. And... yeah. It was, for lack of a better word, awesome but... I still can't really believe that happened. Just surprises me.

Like... she was drunk off her ass, and I was just moderately buzzed because I didn't join Thing 1's Cosmo New Years Bash until about 2 am, after I finally got sick of the Little Chickita (long story behind that), and... so Angry Girl and I were sitting outside and I was sitting on her lap just because it ended up that way, and girls can do that kind of thing without anyone really thinking anything of it anyway, which I always thought was kind of awesome. So we were just kind of sitting there and when it finally got too cold for us and we were about to go in, we were heading towards the door and she just turned around and said "Can I kiss you?" Then after that: "Will you sleep with me tonight?" And... yeah. It went from there.

Damn. It was interesting, though. Funny. Especially when we were left alone in Thing 1's living room for a little bit, then when she came back in... "Oh my god, why are you two kissing?" It was funny, maybe you had to be there though.

Then we all ended up getting kicked out of Thing 1's place at about quarter to 10 this morning... she was supposed to have started work at 9, and she was freaking out about being late. Well... if you're up until 4:30 drinking Cosmos and you're supposed to be at work at 9, pretty much guaranteed you're going to be late, if you show up at all. Anyways, that whole thing was HILARIOUS. She was trying to call work to say she was going to be late, and none of her phones worked. Then she was looking all over the place for her cell phone, and couldn't find it. She was freaking out, but it was so funny.

Anyways, yeah, this is getting long, but I do just wanna talk about the fact that I did spend a lot of my New Years with the Little Chickita, who I haven't hung out with at all since summer. It was going alright, until she really pissed me off by dragging me to the gay bar and freakin' abandoning me there. I like the idea of gay bars, but the gay bar in Cracktown is just a really seedy horrible place. I always expect all gay bars to be like Babylon or Woody's on Queer As Folk but... it just ain't like that. Anyways, yeah, then after I tracked her down again and we were leaving, she ended up calling her ex-boyfriend that I just spent the entire evening listen to her bawl about with "I don't want to know where he is, I don't want to know what he's doing, I'm not going to call him." Ha. Yeah. So it was about that time that I called Thing 2 and asked if Thing 1's party was still going on. And... you know the rest.

Now I must shower and eat.

2007-01-01 at 10:29 a.m.