Like A Drifter I Was Born To Walk Alone

I often have useless epiphanies all over the place. You know what dawned on me just now, while walking home from the grocery store after realizing that there's no way I could continue to survive without pretzels? The song Here I Go Again by Whitesnake pretty much sums it all up for me. It really does. And, really, can't we all be defined by an 80s Hair Metal song at one point or another?

Um... work today sucked all kinds of ass. And they changed the schedule around for next week which is a little bit irriating, but now at least I'm only working 2 nights instead of 4. However, I now have the dreaded working until 9:30 one night, back at 8 the next morning. And they have me scheduled to do that thing I hate on one of those days as well. Ugh. Well... I'll survive. Maybe.

So I cleaned my apartment this morning before work. I rock. It's nice coming home to a clean apartment. Looks a lot better.

I was going to hang out with a co-worker tonight, she told me to call her after I was done work and we'd make plans. So I was off at 8 and I called her and she sounded half dead. She was all like "Uh... it's so late..." Hahaha. The girl is worse than me. So I was just like "Well, nevermind then. Some other time." I wasn't really in the mood anyway. My apartment is so clean right now, I just want it all to myself.

I got a Christmas card and two little candy canes from my bastard apartment managers today. It's a pretty Christmas card. I'd prefer it, though, if in lieu of a card, they could just decide not to raise my rent in March. But... yeah.

So now, with my changed schedule for this upcoming week... I'm still off tomorrow, but then I work Monday to Wednesday, Thursday off, and then Friday and Saturday. Dunno about the week after yet. I guess I'll find that out later. I'm sure it will blow, though.

I hope I find out about whether or not my old job might hire me back, sooner rather than later. Oh god, I'm in hell.

2006-12-09 at 9:47 p.m.