Personally, I Far Prefer Almonds...

So now we sit and play the waiting game. And that's the "royal we", of course.

Yeah, other than the fact that I walked by the place a few times before I finally got the courage to go in, it was fine. I just had to fill out this form where I had to write mini-essays about why I left, why I wanted to return, and all that. Now it will be sent off to the corporate fat cats who will evaluate my request, and determine if I am re-hiring worthy. I don't know how long that usually takes. I didn't think to ask. There were a lot of things that I didn't think to ask, that I probably should have.

Then I went off to the Semi-Good Mall where I'm still trying, in vain, to find presents for my parents and my grandma. I think I know what I want to get my mom... she hinted to me that if I did insist on buying her something, she enjoys things that are chocolatey and filled with caramel and pecans, so I figured I'd get her either Turtles or Pecandoodles, which are like Turtles except cheaper and actually somewhat better. I'm not huge on buying my mom junk-y food like that, because she is a Diabetic and all, but she does manage it well enough to be able to have the occasional indulgence in such things. So I decided I'd just get her a box of Pecandoodles from a store where I saw them at a while ago, so I went there and... yeah. None. They had their almond counterpart, but my mom just isn't feeling the almonds like she's feeling the pecans. So... damn.

Then I got some McGrease for lunch, which I probably shouldn't have done for financial reasons (pay day today... such a small amount, though, because I missed that one day last week... and it's a sad damn state of affairs when missing one day of work might break me for the month) but I was hungry, and oh so far from home. And it was good. I worship the Big Mac.

Then I went to the library because I finally finished Anne Of The Island last night, completing my quest to read the first three Anne books back to back to back. Got a few books out, enough to feed my brain for a little while. Me likey.

Work tomorrow... aw man, I'm dreading it. It will be a mad house. I might die. Or at least wish that I would.

2006-12-08 at 3:13 p.m.