It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like People Are Losing Their Fucking Minds

Anyways, before y'all ask the same question I got from numerous people yesterday at work, I did not wake up the least bit hungover yesterday morning. I actually feel much more hungover today, which is just weird all over the place. But... yeah. Felt good yesterday.

Except for the whole work thing. Work blew. I got called into work early, which was okay because I was scheduled to start stupid late in the afternoon, and that just gives me lots of time to sit around dreading the whole thing. Much like I'm having to do today. But anyways... I can't go on, you guys. People are getting freaky, it's too close to Christmas now. And it's really hard to get stuff done when the store is wall to wall people. I know this is never going to happen, but if they were to ask for volunteers to work overnight to tidy up the store and put stock out and that kind of thing, I'd gladly sign up despite not being a night person at the least. I just get so frustrated and pissed off with all those customers around.

And, like I said, they're getting freaky. This one customer actually made a girl at work cry yesterday. I have a feeling the story I heard may be exaggerated somewhat, but apparently the customer wanted a discount on something because it was damaged, and you have to get a manager's approval to be able to do that, so my co-worker was in the process of calling one over when the customer supposedly just starting screaming "What a stupid fucking bitch you are! I fucking hate white chicks!" Uh... okay. And, yeah, that made this girl cry. It's a little bit funny, but at the same time it's really not, because I know someone is going to make me cry sometime in the near future as well. But probably not like that. I'd totally snap at someone who said that to me, but I don't think I'd start crying. Because it's just too funny.

And I had this one customer... we currently have these Michaelangelo (I think I spelled that wrong, but you probably know who I mean) things at the store, and as I walked by this guy who was standing at them, he started going off on me about what a "fag" Michaelangelo was and how only "fags" would want to buy that kind of stuff. I was just like "Oooooooookay..." as I walked away. Not good friendly customer service on my part, but I don't need to listen to that kind of shit.

I'm going to go reapply at my old job later this week. Then I'm likely going to give my notice at this one. You know... provided my old job hires me back, which I think they will. And I don't like to think about what it would do to me if they didn't.

2006-12-05 at 9:27 a.m.