And I Love How The Same Things Go Wrong Multiple Times

Ugh. I am not impressed. My door is doing the same thing it did a few months ago, where it has shifted to the point where it's damn near impossible to lock it. I think I've concluded that this is worse than the malfunctioning toilet. At least with a toilet that doesn't work, I can still leave my apartment. However, if I cannot lock my door... I don't feel so great about leaving this place. It would probably be fine... I mean, this is a fairly quiet building and in all of the time that I've been here, I've never heard anyone attempt to open my door, but still. I would not feel cool about it.

There's absolutely no point in attempting to contact the apartment managers about this now, because I have discovered they cease to exist on weekends, so... yeah. I'll leave for work early tomorrow, and hope I have enough time to lock the door before I miss the bus. It shouldn't be this much of a struggle, though. And I am so going to be on their asses as soon as I get home from work tomorrow.

Provided I go.

Anyways... other than the 5 minute ordeal trying to lock my door on my way out this morning, today was a good day. I went to the Semi-Good Mall where I browsed around and treated myself to some McGrease for lunch (which I wish I hadn't done now, but oh well). Then I was off to the Good Mall where I was going to meet up with that girl from work to see a movie.

I got to the Good Mall waaaay too early, because of the screwed up Sunday bus schedule, so I killed some time by going to visit the Little Chickita for a little while. I cannot believe she continues to exist. Then I was just looking around some of the other stores in the mall and you'll never in a million years guess who I ran into. Why, it was none other than RSGM. I didn't even recognize him at first. He's lost some of the man pretty he once had. Anyways, we chatted for a few minutes... I found out he's still working at that place and he's still miserable. It's a little bit funny because back in tha day, he seriously seemed just a couple of steps closer to walking out in disgust than I was. I told him how I'm seriously considering going back there, and he said he thinks I should. And... yep. It was insane that I just bumped into him like that. It was bound to happen someday, though. This city is only so big.

Anyways... yeah, then I met up with the girl from work (who I can't think of a clever nickname for at the moment) and we saw Stranger Than Fiction. It was a cute unique little movie. Good times.

And enough of me for today. Please cross all of your fingers, toes, and eyes for me in hopes that I can lock my door tomorrow morning so that I can go to work. Ugh. I hate this place.

2006-11-12 at 6:55 p.m.