Hello. How are you? I am fine. *cough* *hack* *the sound of my lungs collapsing in on themselves* Oh yeah, well other than that, I'm fine.

Work today was brutal. First of all, I felt like absolute hell. I was actually thisclose to calling in sick, but decided not to simply because I need money. So I was really not in my top condition today. And management pretty much greeted me with "Hello! Here's a mountain of shit for you to deal with for 8 and a half hours. Enjoy." I was not impressed. Today was just one giant pain in the ass. It made me tired and angry. Mostly angry.

So I had to buy Pizza Pops on my way home, because that is how I heal. I like food. Lately I've been liking food a little bit too much, but whatever. Part of me really wants to put some weight back on anyway. And if I keep this up, I most definitely will.

Know what I was thinking about today? Tomorrow it will be 4 months since I quit my old job. So I've been not working at that job longer than I worked at it, since I was only there about 3 and a half months. And my job here, I've had for about 2 and a half months now. And for some reason, when I add that all together, it equals a whole lot of "What the hell?" in my mind. Time definitely moved at different speeds for all of those things. But I'm pretty tired, so there really isn't a whole lot of anything that makes sense to me right now.

I was also thinking about how, in my life time, I've had 4 different area codes. That also baffled me, for some reason. I'm just too tired. I need to stop thinking about things, and just go to sleep.

2006-11-09 at 7:42 p.m.