
Ugh! This past little while I've just been so incapable of sleep. It's not good, especially with a whole new week ahead of me. And as I discovered at work on Friday when I'm really tired, I apparently start breaking things. So... yeah. I'd really like to get some more sleep this morning before I have to drag my tired ass off to work, but I don't know if that's going to happen.

Remember a little while ago when the schedule for this work week was just posted, I ended up writing in here how pleased the whole thing made me? Yeah. On Thursday, though, management changed my schedule for every day this week, except one. So it's not quite as shiny happy as it once was. And neither am I.

Yesterday was a very nothing day. I spent a fair amount of time just lying in bed, hoping that sleep would come. I think I managed one little nap, but that was it. So I did a lot of reading and some cleaning and watched that ZooTV DVD. Oh, and I went for a walk too, just to get the circulation going again. And... yep. My entire Sunday, summed up exactly in just a few sentences.

So, tomorrow is Halloween. I do believe that I am not dressing up at all. Mainly because I have nothing to dress up as, and I don't give a shit about Halloween. I have extremely bitter feelings towards Halloween. I've probably written about this in years past, but the last time I went Trick Or Treating was when I was 10, because I got so sick of the people at every house I went to saying "Aren't you a little old to be Trick Or Treating?" And I was freakin' 10 years old. Granted, I looked a lot older. I don't look a hell of a lot different now than I did when I was 10. But I was still 10 years old inside, and it hurt me a lot. So, because of this, I hate Halloween. And I spit on anyone older than 10 who's out Trick Or Treating.

Tee hee.

Actually, I have anger towards almost every "holiday"... about the only one I don't yet feel hatred towards is Easter. Maybe because it's the only holiday that involves chocolate that doesn't also involve dressing up or being in love. Yeah, I can handle Easter just fine.

Anyways, enough of me today. I hope to see you all later.

2006-10-30 at 5:43 a.m.