Please Pray For My Computer

Once again, I should not be awake this early. Especially since I didn't get to sleep until about 1. But, uh... I dunno.

I seriously think my computer is dying. It completely crapped out on me 3 times yesterday, and I wasn't even on it that much. So just now I uninstalled a few non-essential programs, like that is going to help somehow. I dunno. I just want this thing to survive until Christmas, at least. I'm thinking that, in lieu of gifts, I'm just going to ask people to donate to the Emu Desperately Needs A New Computer Fund. Or EDNANCF, if you prefer. I'd rather have my TV explode or my bed burst into flames than have my computer die on me before I get a replacement for it. I need this thing, it's almost literally like an extension of my body.

Work was fine yesterday. If it weren't for the fact that the nighttime bus schedule is so annoying, I wouldn't mind working late more often. But, alas, the nighttime bus schedule is annoying. I got to watch a couple of idiots crash shopping carts into eachother while I was waiting, though. And there are pretty colour changing lights on the outside of the mall that I never noticed before, and they had me quite mesmerized. I also had a chance to pick up a couple things at everyone's favourite store that's apparently open until 11 on Thursdays and Fridays now for my shopping convenience. But... yeah. I don't want to work late again any time soon.

Apparently this girl at work was going to ask me if I wanted to be room mates with her. She managed to find someone else first, though. Which is good. As much as a room mate would solve a plethora of problems for me, it would also create a bunch of new ones. Like... I have very much become accustomed to having my space. This apartment is all mine. I can keep my underwear on the kitchen counter if I want to. Not that I do, mind you. But that option is always there, whereas it probably wouldn't be if I was living with someone.

I'm really tired, not surprisingly. Maybe I'll be able to get back to sleep now for a little bit.

2006-10-06 at 3:47 a.m.