In Today's World, Popeye Would Get E.Coli

I had a very vivid dream that I was late for work, so I bolted out of bed in a panic and then realized that it was 1am. And I couldn't get back to sleep. So... hello.

Work yesterday was okay. And I did infact walk home afterwards. I walked in the door at pretty much the exact time I'd be stepping on the bus, had I decided to wait for the next bus on my usual route, so I think I made the right decision.

And, starting on the 9th, that's a walk I'm probably going to be doing a lot because guess what? Well, the 9th is Thanksgiving so there's no buses. Then on the three days after that I start work before the buses do. So, um... I'm going to be in the goddamn shape of my life, I tells ya. I might try to figure out a route to work that doesn't involve too many hills or narrow busy streets, and ride my bike to work on those days, just to save a little travel time. But I'm sure such a route does not exist.

I ended up watching some old Popeye cartoons on TV yesterday morning. You know, I'm not sure if I've ever watched Popeye before yesterday. I think that was one of those things that was banned in my house while growing up, just like Winnie The Pooh and anything Cabbage Patch Doll related, just because my mom hated it. And one of the cartoons I watched in particular... sexist as hell. Something I love about watching old TV shows/movies/whatever is just the "Whoa! You could not get away with that today!" factor.

So, hopefully I can get some sleep. I have a short day at work today, though. And before work I'm going to be meeting up with my Friendly Neighbourhood Book Swapping Guy to swap books again and also, this time, CDs. So there shouldn't be anything too taxing on my brain going on today, but I do think I will need slightly more than the 3 hours sleep I've gotten so far to be able to function in an almost human manner.

Um... I guess that's it.

2006-10-01 at 1:48 a.m.