There's A Kangaroo On My Balcony

Oh, I'm over the trauma of yesterday. It just sometimes feels like my life isn't a whole hell of a lot of fun. Like... absolutely no fun at all. But I suppose we all go through phases like that.

Speaking of no fun, I work today and the bus schedule is not cooperating with me. The Saturday schedule sucks almost as much as the Sunday schedule. So I can either get to work 5 minutes early (which is cutting it way too close) or 40 minutes early (which is just annoying). I'm thinking I'll take the 40 minutes early bus, then I won't have to panic at all about being late. Then after work I have the lovely choice of either waiting over an hour for a bus, or walking home. And I will, most likely, make it home sooner if I walk so that's probably what I'll be doing.

And then tomorrow will be pretty much the same thing. Except I have some stuff I need to pick up so what will be almost an hour long wait for the bus after work won't be too bad. But I'm still not really sure what I'm going to do with my 40 minute wait before work either today or tomorrow.

Hmm, I was just looking at the bus schedule here and if I want to take a bus on a different route that's only slightly more inconvenient, I only have to wait about 40 minutes after work today for the bus. Well. I'll probably still walk home, though. But I'll see how I feel.

Notice how if I'm not complaining about money, I'm complaining about transit? Well, as soon as both those things no longer cause me so much pain, I'll stop my bitching.

I didn't do a whole lot of anything yesterday with my day off. Went on a couple of walks, and wasted a bit of time at the Not So Good Mall. And that was basically it. I just wasn't in the mood for anything. Much like I'm not in the mood for anything today... however, circumstance has left me with little say in the matter.

2006-09-30 at 7:42 a.m.