Another Day, Another Dollar


I'm so tired. I think I actually slept for pretty much 8 straight hours last night, which is really getting to be a rarity for me, but I'm still just so exhausted. I'm just in a permanent state of tired. I'm also in a permanent state of "My knees are freakin' killing me." I'm not as used to that as I am to the tiredness, though. Knee pain is extremely annoying, as I've discovered.

In my infinite wisdom, I've agreed to work a longer than originally scheduled shift today. Well, like I've said before... it's money. And I need money. Someone at work yesterday asked me what I bought with last pay day's money and I said "Nothing. It was all already spoken for." She thought that was sad. I think it's sad too. It didn't even cover all of my rent. Very depressing.

But I've never really been much of a spender anyway, unlike most of these silly little kids who live at home rent-free and can go blow their whole paycheques on clothes, CDs, and drugs. And it's because I didn't spend much money, even when I was working and living at home, that I was able to take that month and a half off there this summer. I am damn freakin' good at saving money. Because I am damn freakin' cheap.

Yesterday my mom got what is essentially her fourth job. Can you believe that? Working four jobs. And my dad has two jobs. And still neither one is pulling in full time hours. Can you see why I left that place? Impossible to get a half decent job. But yet I still want to move back? I must be crazy. Somehow I wonder how the hell my parents even afford to live. My dad has a pension too, but I still don't know how they do it.

Well... I've got a long day ahead of me. Ta ta, my beauties.

2006-09-22 at 6:58 a.m.