Old Job: More Bullshit, But Happier Knees And Bank Account

I swear I am not human. If a group of scientists were to do an extensive study, they would conclude that I am not human. I'm pretty sure of this. Because despite the fact that that it appears that I am infact a human, I just do not understand other humans at all. They seem to be in a completely different universe than me.

Yeah. Work yesterday wasn't really bad, but it's so true that I just cannot wrap my head around why people do the things they do. I should probably stop trying to analyze the situation so much, I'm just hurting my brain.

The Little Chickita came to visit me at work yesterday. The little freakshow that she is. And at the same time that she was there, her ex-whatever the hell he is was in the store too. The guy she cried about for, like, a month. Just adding to my not understanding people dilemma. So I was trying to work, and she was just carrying on: "He's in the store RIGHT NOW! I'm going to cry or throw up or both, I just know it!" She didn't do either one, luckily, because if she had thrown up, I probably would have been the poor bastard who'd have to clean it up. I just do not understand her. I think she's just being dramatic for the sake of being dramatic.

So. I dunno. What else can I say? Day 4 of 7 today. Another long shift. And it's funny how I consider a long shift to be what I used to do 5 days a week at my old job, but that is a long-assed shift when you're standing the whole time. I know I've already complained about this in my last couple entries but... my knees! Egads. I'm going to have to go back to my old job simply for health reasons pretty soon. Which reminds me, I was going to place an anonymous phone call to my former place of employment on Monday and make sure that they will hire back former employees. I'm pretty sure they do. And believe me, I do hate the fact that I am seriously considering going back there. But it probably won't be until January, if at all. Or possibly November. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be in the hole this month, but I'm willing to give it another month to see if I can actually make enough to survive at this job. And if not... just the money I'd save by not having to buy a bus pass anymore, by going back to my old job, would almost be worth it alone.

Ugh. Work today. Be strong, knees. Be strong.

2006-09-23 at 7:30 a.m.