Still Long, But Slightly Less Depression-Filled

No no no no no no no. No. I just wrote an entry about an hour and a half ago and... no. It will be deleted now. Looks like only a couple people read it anyway. Let me try this again.

Hi! I'm back! Did you miss me? Of course you did. Well, I had lots of fun at my parents' house. They came down here Sunday morning, drove me to work, and just dilly dallied while I was doing that, then whisked me away from this hell hole immediately afterwards. I got back earlier this afternoon, I took the bus. Yes.

Anyways, what I was so pissed off about that lead me to write that overly long and negative entry a little earlier was that Sunday at work was an extremely bad day, I become less and less impressed with my employer by the minute. I also found out this afternoon, after calling work in a tizzy after discovering there was still no paycheque in the mail, that it's actually sitting at work right now and has been for Lord knows how long. That pissed me off. A lot. But I don't want to talk about it.

It was so great to go home, but just like I predicted it was so hard to leave. The hardest it's been yet. You'd think this would get easier with time, but it really isn't. If anything, it's getting harder. I'm seriously seriously toying with the idea of moving back. I mean, not back in with my parents, but back to Nutty McShitville. I know the place is a lost cause, and that's why I moved away in the first place, but I just feel this longing that keeps growing and... I need to go back. Definitely someday. Maybe next year. I need to do some serious thinking about this.

I got my mom to cut my hair. My hair has been getting stupid lately, it needed to go. It's the shortest it's been in years. It's not like super short or anything, but it's definitely shorter. It looks kinda crazy, but kind of cute at the same time. I have such ridiculous hair.

My dad kind of fixed my toilet while they were here. Kinda. Well, more like there's a new problem now. I'm not too sure how I'm going to deal with this. I'm probably still going to end up calling the apartment managers about this. Dammit. But I definitely appreciate the effort on my dad's part. At least it's capable of flushing with the lid on the tank now.

I had a really good time when I was home. I miss hanging out with my mom so much. She's always going to be my best friend, as lame as that may sound. There will never be anyone whose company I enjoy more than her's. Good times all around. Like every time I go home, I didn't really do a whole lot but I didn't really want to anyway. I'm just so glad I went. But man, it was hard to leave. If I could jump back on the bus and go back right now, I would. And I'd stay there.

Not looking forward to work tomorrow. Or any other day. I'm so sick of this. But, um... whatever. That place I ended up calling yesterday is still a bit of a possibility... they asked if I could come for an interview this afternoon, but I wouldn't have been able to make it back here in time, and it wouldn't have been worth the extra effort to do so for something that would probably just lead to nothing, so I said no. So they said any future interviews they schedule, they'll let me know. Well, I certainly hope so. I'm still very actively looking for a new job.

2006-09-19 at 7:15 p.m.