Why Am I Not Letting Creepy Middle Aged Men Buy Me Drinks Right Now?

So I'm back earlier than I thought I'd be. Um... I'm almost disappointed, which is kind of funny because I'm so tired and really not the type of person at all, but I was kinda in the mood to go bar hopping. And I seriously thought about actually doing that, after I left the party. But a couple of the Little Chickita's friends who I don't know at all who were leaving the same time as me offered me a ride and... well, that saves money that I would have ended up spending on cab fare and additional liquor so... yeah.

I only had one drink. My first drink in almost 6 months, actually. Yeah, last drink I had was my birthday. I'm just not into alcohol like I used to be. It's only good when someone else is buying, because it's expensive shit.

But yet I'm still thinking one of these nights I'm gonna go downtown, hit up a bar, have a few, then leave early enough to catch the bus back home again. Because... well, I don't know why.

I looked pretty good tonight. Dammit! I could have worked that to my advantage. But... yeah. I went heavier on the makeup than I usually do. And I'm wearing this classy little outfit here. I don't normally think I look good at all, but somehow I managed to do something right this time. The Little Chickita's best friend when she saw me exclaimed "OMIGOD! YOU LOOK SO CUTE!" And she kind of caught me offguard, so I pretty much just stared at her like she was insane. I love how I continue not to make good impressions on LC's friends at all. But still... I'm impressed with how I look right now. If I ever do go to a bar one of these nights, I gotta do the exact same thing I did tonight so people will love me and buy me drinks. But, of course, I'll never be able to replicate this look again, probably. Dammit.

Anyways... I was wasting time downtown this evening before the festivities began, because the bus schedule did not cooperate with me and I ended up down there way early. And there was this thing going on... some Christian convention or something. There was a mass baptism going on. Like, I was watching it from a distance, and it was dark so I wasn't sure exactly what was happening but I was thinking "Naw, that can't be what I think it is." But, yeah, it was. Then the crowd started chanting "There ain't no party like a Holy Ghost party because a Holy Ghost party don't stop!" And I seriously thought they were saying "Holocaust" instead of "Holy Ghost" at first, and I thought that was in bad taste. Then I finally clued in as to what they were actually saying, and it made more sense. Anyways, the whole thing was interesting to witness.

Now I'm tired. Guess I'll take off the perfect makeup and go to bed.

2006-09-10 at 12:21 a.m.