Causing The Self Destruction Of My Parents Since March 2006

So I've found a temporary solution for my toilet problem. I found that it flushes just fine when you take the lid off of the tank. It looks to me and my untrained eye that the problem is that the thing that comes up inside the tank that makes the toilet flush when you push down the handle, out of the frickin' blue, didn't have enough room to come up all the way with the lid on. But what the hell? How did that happen? I think that's dumb. Stupid toilet.

I was all over the place today. I went downtown, came home, went back downtown (because of poor planning on my part the first time I went down there), went to the Good Mall and its surrounding area, came home, then went to the Not So Good Mall. It was pretty good times, except for the fact that I spent a fair amount of money. But it was basically all stuff that I needed. Well, I didn't need that burger, admittedly. But you know, dammit, it was only $1.47 and it was pretty good. Everything else, though, I needed. I think.

I was talking to my mom on MSN earlier this evening... she finally said that she misses me. She said that they're still experiencing some serious Empty Nest syndrome, and that she's been eating more since I've moved away because of how she misses me. It's true that every time I've seen her since I've moved, it has looked like she has put weight on, which is kinda scary. If you are a "loyal friend and true" of Emu-Head, you'll probably recall that my mom has Diabeetus (ala Wilford Brimley), and successfully managed to drop a lot of weight and get healthy after that diagnosis. It was about that time that I started losing weight too, because the fear was put in me. I'm not a fan of Diabetes, I'd kind of like to avoid that if I can. However my mom has handled it very well... up until recently. Now I don't know exactly how I should feel about being indirectly responsible for my mom's relapse there into using food for comfort and putting her health at risk. I think that sucks. I mean, I'm not going to blame myself but... I think that really sucks.

So, the Little Chickita's birthday bash is tomorrow. I should have interesting stories to tell about that on Sunday... provided I don't get too drunk to remember, and am not too hung over to be able to write about it. I can't see myself getting all that liquored up, but you never know. I'm sure everyone else will be, and when in Rome... So, we'll see. We'll see. And I'm quite positive that RSGM will not be there. I'm sure if she convinced him to come, she would have sent me a very excited text message by now. Pity.

2006-09-08 at 8:30 p.m.