I've Got Trouble Trouble Trouble Always Knocking At My Door

So I've got some problems. The least of which is the fact that I'm awake at 3:30 in the morning. My toilet appears to be broken, which makes me angry (I was going to say that it pissed me off but, uh...). Also there's the most horrible stench in here. I don't think it has anything to do with the broken toilet, though, because the bathroom appears to be the only place in my apartment that doesn't stink. Must be coming from outside. Yeah, I just stuck my head out the window... most definitely coming in from outside.

Goddamn, that is one horrible horrible smell!!!! Since opening the window up even more there to see where the smell was coming from, it just made it 10 times worse in here.

Last night when I flushed the toilet it sounded really funny, like it wasn't going to work. But it did, eventually. But just now when I was lying in bed trying not to notice the horrible smell, all I could think about was my toilet so I tried to flush it again and... yeah, absolutely nothing. I think I've had more than a normal amount of things go wrong since I moved in here. And I'm sick to fucking death of having to deal with the managers of this place, they're such pricks.

Work yesterday was okay but, much like at the beginning of my old job, I'm getting sick and tired of everyone saying "Aw man, how are you going to pay rent with this job?" Oh, shut the hell up and mind your own business. Everyone is fascinated by the fact that I live alone, mainly because they're all 18 year olds still living with mommy and daddy, but I worry enough about money without other people adding to it. So maybe the next time someone asks me if I live with my parents, I should just say yes.

Maybe this is just the anger talking right now, but I really wanna move out of this place. Like I said, more than a normal amount of things have gone wrong with this apartment. The lock, the shower, the fridge, and now the toilet? The toilet is probably the worst, though. Rent-wise, in this crazy city, I don't know if I'd be able to do much better than this place but... if I do decide to move out, I could always get a room mate. That would certainly help my money worries. But it would probably add a whole lot of other problems. Oh, if it weren't for the fact that I'd rather die than do this because it would be admitting failure, I'd move back in with my parents.

Not looking forward to today. I'm probably going to call the apartment managers later to tell them about the toilet, then lie and say I have to work so that I don't have to be here when they come and (hopefully) fix it. I'm so sick of dealing with them.

2006-09-08 at 3:37 a.m.