E.H. Loves P.T.

I. Love. Pop Tarts. Yum. I haven't tried freezing them yet, though, because, I mean... the Pop Tart is perfect just as it is. You don't need to toast them, and I'm pretty sure you don't need to freeze them either. Just enjoy.

Anyways... my parents and my grandma are coming down today, because my grandma has to get some tests done at the hospital here. This was a very last minute thing, and shows that occasionally the health care system here works really well, but it was fairly important that she get in right away, so they called her yesterday afternoon to tell her to come in this afternoon. So they're going to swing by here and pick me up on the way, so that I can show them where the hospital is.

I had to come down to the Cracktown hospital before I moved here to get some tests done, and my mom and I ended up taking the most screwed up route to the hospital... I remember thinking "Why the hell would they hide the hospital like this?!" The hospital is not hard to find, though. It's like everything in this city, it's either right on the highway, or just off of the highway. We were just given bad directions last time.

So I went out and bought some pants yesterday. They're classy looking, but they're quite tight, which in a way is a nice change from all of my baggety-assed pants from 40 pounds ago. However, I will not be able to gain any weight at all if I still want to fit into these suckers. And with my current Pop Tart diet, I don't know how well that's gonna work. But, you know, I bought them, they look good, they were cheap... if they end up ripping one of these days when I put them on, I'll worry about it then.

The weather guy from the noon news was at the Good Mall yesterday. I didn't see him when I was there, but I saw their live truck thing, and then I saw him on the news after I got home. There for the same reason the other channel's weather guy was there a few days ago. So, no points for originality there.

I was just looking at the receipt from my pants, and they spelled Cracktown wrong. Ha. It's like that store I worked at in Nutty McShitville... not only did they spell Nutty McShitville wrong on all of the receipts, the name of the store was spelt wrong too. I always thought that was funny.

2006-08-25 at 7:43 a.m.