Way To Redeem Yourself

Hahaha. The news.

I'm very happy that the news has stopped saying "There's jobs everywhere! You're a fuck up if you can't get one!" and have changed to "There's lots of retail and service jobs, if that's what you're looking for." Because I used to get soooo pissed off at all of those stories on the news, and they used to be and often still are on a weekly basis, praising the low unemployment rate and the abundance of jobs, while I was sitting there miserable and unemployed.

There was a story on the news just after I moved to Cracktown, about the all of the jobs available in Nutty McShitville, and I practically had a stroke. That was not very nice, considering I moved away because there wasn't much in the way of jobs. But agaaaaaaain, and this wasn't really emphasized enough, it depends on what you're loooooking forrrrrrrrrr. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmit.

But, yeah, back here in Cracktown... I will admit that having been hired during the interview that followed almost immediately after dropping off a resume for two jobs now, that the retail job market is quite healthy. And yes, there are a lot of help wanted signs at the Good Mall. I said that a few weeks ago in here, did I not?

I'm pleased with my new job. Provided that I am officially hired now. I mean, considering I've settled for a field that I really didn't want, I'm fairly pleased. It's a store that I applied at in Nutty McShitville once, and they didn't hire me there. Not even an interview. Bastards. But look at me now! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! It kinda sounds like fun. Sounds like something different every day.

I got my new learner's license in the mail yesterday. The new picture isn't great, but at least it's better than my old one. Well, I mean... when I got the picture taken for my old one, I was 200 pounds. And I swear that 150 of those pounds were on my face. In my new picture, I just look shiny and stoned. I do believe that's an improvement over bloated as hell.

I was just chatting with my mom on MSN right now and she says that if I want to put $50 worth of clothes purchases for my new job on the Visa, she'll take care of the payment. My mom rocks, did you know that? She's cooler than your mom. And yeah, I need to get some pants. Black pants. And maybe a black shirt too, if this whole black and white dress code thing is true. I don't wear white, though. And considering I used to be semi-goth, I don't seem to own a whole lot in the way of black. Kinda funny.

2006-08-24 at 9:20 a.m.