I Need To Stop Hanging Out With That Thing

Alright, so last night I hung out with the Little Chickita. This is a really funny story in the sense that it wasn't funny at all.

So she picked me up last night around 6:00, on her way home from spending the last 19 hours at her "makeout buddy's" house. She said that as soon as she had a quick shower, we'd go off to that exhibition thing that's currently going on. You know how long she was in the shower? No word of a lie... she was in there for an hour. And I was just sitting in her living room waiting for her. FOR AN HOUR. I almost left. I mean, that was just a new level of ridiculous right there. As soon as she got out an hour later, she ran into the living room saying "Oh my god, was I in there for an hour? I'm so sorry!" No one needs to shower for that long. I'm sure she wasn't that dirty after all of the supposed non-sex she's been having.

By the way, I'm not sure if I buy her whole "still a virgin" thing. It sounds like the kind of guys she hangs out with aren't the type who would put up with her if she wasn't putting out. But whatever.

Anyways, so eventually we got to the exhibition... it was 9 bucks to get in, and the thing sucked so bad that we were only there for about 45 minutes. So, total waste of 9 bucks right there. Oh, and it was a waste of another 3 bucks as well because I ended up buying cotton candy. And I discovered that I really am not a fan of cotton candy anymore. I think I need to boycott sugar entirely today, to make up for that. Ugh.

Then we ended up going back to her "makeout buddy's" house, because she forgot something there, and she ended up just completely smoking through a stop sign but we weren't killed, so I just sarcastically (is that a word?) said "Hey, nice stop back there." And she was all like "What? There's no stop sign back there. I think I'd know better than you that there's no stop sign there, I've been down this street so many times..." Yeah. Well then, you've run that stop sign every time, because it was definitely there. I ended up saying that perhaps I was mistaken, though, just to shut her up.

Then she decided that she really wanted to see Rain Man, for some reason, so we ended up renting that and coming back to my place to watch it. So I got to listen to 2 hours of her going "Oh my god. Tom Cruise's character should be nicer to his brother." Um... yeah.

Got to sleep around 2, awake at 7. Pretty typical for me. I think I might go out for a walk now. Then maybe after I get home I can sleep some more. That would be nice.

2006-08-20 at 7:30 a.m.