Name That Tuna

I'm feeling exceptionally lazy today. Extraordinarily lazy. Hella lazy. So I don't know what I'm going to be doing. If anything. Oh, what a life.

Yesterday I had almost completely recovered from my extremely bad interview experience, so I had a pretty good day. I decided I needed to stop being such an idiot, and I went out and bought some groceries. So, like, there's actual stuff to eat here now. I'm almost overwhelmed. Tuna was on really cheap, so I bought some and made Tuna Helper and tuna salad. Now my apartment stinks to high heaven of tuna. That is a smell that lingers like no other smell does.

This girl I know was passing through Cracktown yesterday on her way to the big city for the long weekend, so I saw her for a little bit. Good times all around, and whatnot. I just want to go on record as saying this August long weekend has my vote for being the absolute dumbest and least necessary long weekend of the year. I mean, in July you have the Canada Day long weekend and in September you have the Labour Day long weekend... do we need a long weekend in August as well? I think it's overkill. And isn't this also the most deadly long weekend as well or something crazy like that? Yeah, good job, people. You got a good thing going right here.

My mom has been taping this 50 Greatest Game Shows series that's been on GSN. I miss GSN greatly. It wouldn't be worth me getting digital cable, though, because I barely watch any TV anymore. Oooh yes, I'm turning into one of THOSE people. Anyways, though, yeah she's taping that for me, because I'm still a huge fan of old game shows, and she dropped off the tape with the first few episodes when she was down here on Tuesday. I started watching it a bit this morning... yeah. What I really want to do, and I'm sure this is possible, is go back in time to the 1970s and go on a game show. That's pretty much my dream. Game shows were so much better back then. Yeah, I gotta get working on that time machine.

So maybe that's what I'll do today. Well that, and I really need to wash my kitchen floor. I hate sticking to it whenever I go in there. And now that I actually have food in my kitchen, I have a reason to go in there now.

2006-08-05 at 9:22 a.m.