I Need A Hug

Oh god. What a horrible horrible bad bad interview. HORRIBLE! BAD!

Um... yeah, not holding a whole lot of hope for this one. Just... aw man. I choked. Hardcore choked. I suppose these things happen, and I should just take it as a sign that it wasn't meant to be. I could so tell just by looking at the person who was interviewing me that a couple of the things I said (or didn't say) did not meet with her approval. And just... yeah. I suppose crazier things have happened, but I just really really do not expect to get this job.

Ugh. BAD!!!

And it's so sad, because the last two interviews I had, both of which lead to me getting the job, I totally owned. Owned, I tells ya! But I've still had more than my fair share of bad interviews. This one is right up there. But my absolute worst... this is so great, I gotta tell you about this. This was a few years ago, for a job that I was 100% qualified for. It was one of those stupid group interview things. Those should be illegal. Anyways, all of us potential employees had to pick a silly, non-job related question out of a hat and answer it infront of everyone. My question was "What is your favourite movie and why?" My favourite movie, at the time, was Reservoir Dogs. And what was the reason I gave for that? Word for word: "My favourite movie is Reservoir Dogs because it's violent, and that's so cool." Yeeeeah. Now there's a great thing to say at a job interview, that you're a big fan of violence. Needless to say, I did not get that job.

Um... in other news, I went downtown yesterday and ended up getting my Tarot cards read by a very scary man who was just wandering around. Not something I normally would go for, but he asked me and I didn't really have anything else to do, so I said okay. The cards didn't really say anything all that interesting. In fact, they basically just said the same thing they say whenever I read my own Tarot cards. Good things are coming, I'm living too much in the past, I'm very conflicted... same old, same old. But I guess it was good to get a second opinion.

My shower finally got fixed yesterday. And my door as well. I guess I haven't mentioned the problems I've been having with my apartment door. This building is slowly collapsing in on itself or something, and the door shifted so that the deadbolt there was now too low to fit into the little hole there. Does that make sense? Well, whatever. It made it extremely difficult to lock the door, because you had to pull the door up while turning the key, and it was starting to become a two person job. And yesterday, when I was about to go out... I just could not lock it at all. I was standing there for about 5 minutes trying to lock the damn thing. So I called the apartment manager about it, and about the shower which still wasn't fixed at the time, and she was like "Okay, we'll come over to look at it soon. Are you going to be there in a couple of hours?" and I was like "Uh... yeah. I'm not going to be leaving my apartment if I can't lock the door." Heh. So they ended up coming slightly sooner than that, which is good because I was irritated at not being able to leave as soon as I wanted to, and... yeah. Everything is hunky dory now.

So, anyways... yeah. I just don't know what to think right now. Meh.

2006-08-03 at 2:37 p.m.