More Proof That I Will Die Soon

Oooooooh, I loves me some leftover generic-brand mac & cheese. With a hot dog weiner cut up into it, of course. And about half a litre of ketchup. Healthy healthy healthy.

So my parents are coming tomorrow and, likely among other things, my mom is bringing me cookies and a casserole. I'm excited about the cookies, of course. But I'm also excited about the casserole because it's real food! Food that didn't come out of a box. I think that kicks ass.

I've been out all morning, and I was hoping to come home to a fixed shower, but I just looked in the bathroom and, alas... still all busted. But I'm going out again this afternoon and maybe, just maybe... I can shower when I get home. But a very pessimistic part of me says that nothing's going to happen with that shower today, and I'll be washing my hair in the bath. Or the kitchen sink. I'm trying to figure out which would be less awkward.

So I was on the bus this morning, and I saw the malfunctioning back doors of the bus almost cut a few people in half. That was fun. So I got off at the front. Because there are a few ways that I wouldn't mind dying, but getting crushed to death by the doors of a bus isn't one of them.

So some idiot drove their vehicle into the train yesterday. Is it just me, or does that happen waaaay more often than it should with that poor train? Yeah. I saw the aftermath of the whole thing when I was passing through those parts. Didn't look too great. But people should know better than to do that.

I'm basically just home right now to refuel. I don't know what I'm doing this afternoon, but I'm just in one of those moods where I do not want to sit at home. At all. I don't know why. Maybe it's because if I were sitting at home all day, I'd feel like I was just sitting here waiting for the apartment manager to come fix my shower. And if there's anything I hate in this world, it's waiting. But if I'm out doing stuff, I'm not waiting. Yeah, I think that's probably what my reasoning is. Makes sense, now that I think about it.

So I'm outta here. Catch you on the flip side! (Or any other extremely dated phase that basically means see you later.)

2006-07-31 at 12:51 p.m.