Can You Smell That?

So my shower is bustificated and won't be fixed until Monday, at the earliest. Yeah, that's something I was thrilled to discover earlier today. I was just disappointed. But not surprised. It's been acting a little funny for a while now, and today it just finally decided to crap out completely. So hopefully it does manage to get fixed sooner as opposed to later. I called the apartment manager as soon as it happened, and he came over right away to take a look but he said he had to get some new parts or whatever for it to be able to fix it, and he figures the absolute earliest he'd be able to get his hands on that is Monday. Yay. I mean, I can still have baths in the meantime, but washing your hair in the bath is awkward as hell.

My parents might be coming down here sometime next week. Yay! Free lunch! I gotta admit that with my reduced spending due to what will likely be permanent unemployedness, my diet has consisted pretty much entirely of Ramen noodles, mac & cheese, and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. It's starting to get a bit boring. And, admittedly, unhealthy. I might die soon.

Also, it's my old man's birthday tomorrow. Next year's the big one. This year is just the very unspectacular 49. I was just about to send him an e-card, but for some reason made a detour here instead. Diaryland has a way of sucking me in when I least expect it. It's evil.

So, I've been keeping myself busy with various things. It's all good, and such. And I've been thinking. I've come to a very tragic conclusion about something. And I'm just going to sit on that thought for a little while before I do anything about it. But... yeah.

Wow, I'm tired as hell. Busy day. Except not really. More like I've been awake since 5:30 and, yeah, I haven't consumed enough caffeine today to keep me going past this time. So I'm outta here. Oh, except I still need to send that damn e-card. Heh.

2006-07-29 at 9:36 p.m.