Can You Feel My Disgust?

I just ate part of a Bounty chocolate bar. Breakfast of champions right there.

Anyways... I spent yesterday afternoon with the Little Chickita. And what a rip-roaring good time that was. Uh... yeah. You know... everything I wrote in my last entry still rings true. We have nothing in common. And sometimes the whole nothing in common thing works out in a friendship, but other times it just leaves both people thinking the other one is some kind of freakshow.

And get this... she's trying to convince me to move with her. She's moving in September, for no particular reason, and she doesn't want to move alone. But I told her there's absolutely no way I'm moving again so soon. First of all, my parents would probably disown me if I did. Also just the fact that I plain just don't wanna. I like it here. But she doesn't seem to get my reasoning as to why I don't want to pack it all up and move again for her. Yeah. Just unbelieveable.

Anyways, we went downtown for a while because there were some things happening... big weekend for Cracktown again. Lots going on. However... the heat was litterally painful, walking around downtown. Definitely the hottest day so far this year yesterday. So then we went back to her place where she laid in the sun text messaging for hours, while I sat in the shade just staring at her. I didn't quite get why it was necessary for me to be there if that was all she was doing, and I told her that but she was like "Nooooooo! We're hanging out!" Uh... no we're not.

Then when she was litterally burnt to a crisp and damn proud of herself for that, we went inside so that she could look at MySpace for an hour, while I just sat there. Again... why was it necessary for me to be there for that? I can be on MySpace for hours at home... and I often am. But then when I say something about whatever we're doing being boring, she just thinks I'm being a bitch.

Oh, it's all funny, though. I mean, it's funny later. It's never funny at the time.

And enough complaining for me. Dunno what I'm doing today. It's supposed to be another unbareably hot day, though. Meh. But I'll find someway to waste my time. I always do.

2006-07-23 at 6:25 a.m.