Not To Mention The Fact That The Girl Is Only 18 But Somehow Manages To Get Into Bars...

So last night at about quarter to 11, I got a phone call from the Little Chickita, asking me if I wanted to join her and a crapload of other people who were heading to a bar. Um... no. First of all, I was only still up because it was uncomfortably hot and I also had a hunger that I could ignore no more. Any other night of the week, getting a phone call that late would have pissed me off to the point of uttering death threats to whoever was calling.

One thing that has never sunk in with her (or Bus Stop Boy for that matter, although he has stopped calling, for the moment) is that I'm on a different schedule than her. It was one thing when I was actually working, and she usually remembered that I had to get up early. But now that I'm not working anymore, she seems to think that I should just be able to magically convert to a nightlife. Uh... no. Not that easy. I mean, I did manage to have two nights out last weekend, but it really screwed me up because I was still waking up at the same early hour, despite that.

Also, I just can't be spontaneous like that, that late at night. If she had called the night before and said "Wanna go to a bar tomorrow night?", I maybe would have said yes. But if I'm already in "I want to sleep" mode and, up until a couple of minutes before, was actually lying in bed trying to sleep... I can't just pick it all up, get dressed again, and go out. Not in my nature.

So I felt really bad about saying no, because I've realized I've said no to her about as often as I've said yes but... if she hasn't realized by now that I'm not the same kind of person she is, she'll never clue in. It's like I'd never call her at 7 in the morning saying "Heeeeeeey! Let's go for a walk, then watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report together, before catching the bus to the Good Mall!" Because I know she would not be into that. I'm into that, though. Good times.

She seemed to be under the impression from the very beginning that I was, in some way, someone she should associate with. Like... we started working at that place at the same time, but we didn't start really talking to eachother until the 3rd week. However, during the first two weeks I noticed her staring at me a lot, and I didn't really understand why. However, at the same time I was staring at RSGM a lot, because I thought he was like me. She was staring at me for the same reason. Hahahaha. We were both wrong.

Although I was less wrong about RSGM. Speaking of him, I wonder if he's quit yet. He always seemed about 2 steps closer to walking out in disgust than I was, and that rang especially true the last time I talked to him, which was about a week before I left. Hmm.

2006-07-22 at 9:43 a.m.