I've Always Hated Clowns

Yay for getting to the point in my life where I'm capable of sleeping in until 8:00! Ooooh, so decadent!

Yesterday I had to go into my former place of employment to pick up my Record Of Employment and my final cheque. I really didn't want to go. Oh, the vibes. I was thinking a $70 cheque, which I thought it was going to be, really wasn't worth the effort and the pain. But, oooh... I forgot about that paid vaycay time I never took. And that was on there too. So it came to just over 300 bucks. I was excited. I didn't open it until I was standing at the bus stop waiting to go to the Good Mall, and that always looks so great when you're standing at the bus stop with other people then just suddenly blurt out "Holy shit!" Heh. The two little old ladies were not impressed.

But what really impresses me is that I totalled up what I've spent so far this month, and what expenses I know are coming later (DAMN YOU STUDENT LOANS!), and compared it with the total amount of money I've made this month and... oooh, I have an extra 40 bucks. And here I thought I was going to be totally totally in the hole this month. I mean, I'll likely have to buy some more groceries before the end of this month, since I'm down to my last package of Mr Noodles, but I doubt I'm actually going to have to spend 40 bucks on that. I'm so excited. I like the fact that I haven't had to dip into my savings... yet.

I applied for one job yesterday, one that I was horribly horribly underqualified for. I hate doing that. One of my college instructors once told me that it was okay, and even encouraged, because it shows you have initiative. I argued that it was not okay, because it shows you're delusional. I don't expect to get this job. But, you know... whatever.

I've been reading It by Stephen King. Might as well be reading a dictionary, it's soooo damn long. But I salvaged it from the back of the closet in my old bedroom at my parents' house the last time I was there, and thought I might tackle it. I bought it at a used book sale when I was in junior high, because I thought it made me look hardcore. But I never read it. That's a hell of a commitment to get yourself into. But, you know, I'm determined now. And I will be so proud of myself when (well, okay... "if") I finish it. Like when you're in elementary school, and the teacher gives you a sticker for each book you read. I want that to happen. Except I would want more than just one sticker. And instead of stickers, I'd prefer money.

2006-07-18 at 8:36 a.m.