I'll Make You A Believer

Oooh, technically two entries in one day. But give me a break.

Anyways... another late night for me. Not quite as late, though. This is a great story, please permit me to share it with you. Cracktown was having this big concert this evening, with a semi-popular Canadian band and a bunch of other people no one has ever heard of. I felt like going for a walk, so I ended up over where the concert was going on and was just leaning against the fence watching for a while when someone came up to me and gave me a ticket to get in. It was great. Coolest thing that's happened to me in a while. The lady who gave me the ticket told me I had to pay it forward, though, so I definitely will. So... yeah. Spent my evening at this little shindig thing, if I can be uncool enough to refer to it as a shindig.

Pretty good times all around. Good music. I felt like a bit of a loser, though, because I was all by myself and concerts are kind of like going to the movies in the sense that you really don't need to be accompanied by friends, but yet you always feel like a dork if you're not. I did have some stranger force me to dance with them while one of the unknowns was performing a cover of Personal Jesus, though. I reeeeeeally don't like dancing in public unless I'm heavily under the influence of something first. So I could have done without that. But, whatever. It was funny.

And, like so often happens with me, it ended up being a spectacular "spot the media person" event. I mean, it was the weather guy from that one channel MC-ing the thing, and there were a handful of other reporters from that channel there as well, introducing bands. The guy who used to anchor the morning news until it was cancelled last week looked frickin' adorable. Aw man. And then, near the end of the concert, I was looking around and saw that the other Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Man, from the channel that wasn't totally whoring themselves out to this event, was standing about 15 feet away from me. Heh.

Anyways... then I got to walk home all alone at 11:00 at night. I've always found walking alone after dark to be both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. So I mostly try to avoid it. I hate tempting fate. However, it was pretty good because traffic was really heavy, since everyone was leaving the concert, so I felt pretty safe.

So this morning I didn't get to sleep until 3:30, but yet I still woke up at 7:30 and try as I might, I could not get back to sleep. And now here I am, staying up stupid late again. On 4 hours sleep. Well, I wasn't really planning on doing this... but I wasn't going to turn down a free concert ticket. I still can't believe what a cool thing that was for that woman to do. I mean, she actually walked by other people who were pressed up against the fence, just to offer it to me. Very cool. And I definitely will pay it forward somehow.

2006-07-16 at 11:46 p.m.