Bonjour! Au Revoir!

Ugh. So what have you been up to? Have you been having a better time than me?

I feel like hell. I have a headache that won't leave. My face has decided to break out in a major way. I think I'm starting to get bored with my unemployedness. And I'm not the least bit impressed with the heat wave that starts tomorrow. So... yeah. I've been better.

You know where I wanna go? Iqaluit. Beautiful Iqaluit, Nunavut. I think their high tomorrow is going to be 11 degrees. Beats the hell out of 28, let me tell you. And on Saturday... 34 degrees?! Are you shittin' me?! I will die. So, yeah, I'm planning my vacation to Iqaluit right now. Anyone wanna join me? It'll be fun.

I got a phone call today from a potential employer. It was a "We might call you later on this week if we decide we want to interview you" phone call. Well thank you for that, and the massive heart attack that you gave me, thinking this might actually be something.

I'm 363 pages into "It". If I were reading a normal book, I'd be done by now.

I might have to start working on my French again. Well, it's going to be too hot for the next week or so for me to even want to think about venturing outside, so I gotta do something. And I've been thinking about long term goals of mine, because I usually just think in the short term, and I've realized... yeah, I wanna be Prime Minister. And if I'm going to be Prime Minister, I'm going to have to know how to speak French. And I believe my cheesy little Learn To Speak French computer program will get me there.

And won't I just make the most fantastic Prime Minister ever? I think so. I'll be on the John Diefenbaker level of coolness, I'm pretty sure. Like... have you ever thought about how cool John Diefenbaker was? Do you even know who he was? Jeez, people. That guy was cool. I mean, he made some really bad judgement calls, as I'm sure that I will do when I'm Prime Minister as well, but you gotta admire him for being so goddamn determined. And crazy as hell.

I have kind of a mad love for Stephen Harper as well, mainly because of the lowering of the GST.

Anyways... I obviously didn't really have anything to say at the beginning of this, and I have even less to say now so... I'm outta here. Toodles.

2006-07-19 at 6:51 p.m.