Dear God: I Can Take A Hint. Please Stop Now.

I called in sick to work today. I wasn't planning on doing that... in actuality, what I planned last night was to work today, call in "sick" tomorrow, then use that time to decide whether or not I'd go into work on Monday to actually work, or to quit. But plans change, I guess.

I had the worst night of my life last night. I think I might have had a fever, but I couldn't find my thermometer (if I even have one), so I don't know. I went to bed at about 6:45, but I couldn't sleep. I was exhausted, but I couldn't sleep and I was having these weird delusions that I can't even really remember now... I just remember that I was having them. And when I did actually fall asleep, it was never for very long before I woke up again because I was too hot or too cold or I could no longer breathe or I got some kind of extremely painful stomach cramp.

AND THEN... my stupid alarm clock. My alarm clock has two different alarms on it, and you just flick the little switch so that it's either one or the other or both that go off. I had it so that my 6:00 alarm would go off. However, my 4:00 alarm went off instead, and I couldn't get it to shut off. And I have no idea what radio station my alarm is even on, because I typically don't even sleep long enough to hear the alarm, but it was playing this death metal song and, really, that's not the kind of thing you want waking you up at 4:00. And, like I said, it just would not shut off. I ended up having to unplug my clock radio, plugging it back in, and resetting the time and the alarm to actually go off at 6:00.

But then after lying there for an hour, I realized that this was probably just a lost cause and if I had any sense at all, I would just call into work sick. I really didn't want to do that, though, because I think the last thing I need is yet another day inbetween almost learning that new computer program and actually getting to use it for the first time, so I was just going to get up and take something for my raging headache that had started to come on. Now... I have this thing where I regularly semi-faint, especially when I'm under stress. It's great. But when I do that, I'm usually in enough control that I can faint in a way that does no physical harm to myself. This morning, however... I whacked my head on my dresser. Which did nothing to help my head. But it was right after I recovered from that, that I picked up the phone and told them I would not be in today.

I wish I hadn't had to do this, but I think it was probably the right decision. Only thing now, though... Bus Stop Boy called me again last night, wanting to do something. You'd think this idiot would get the impression by now that I do not do things in the evening. But because I'm starting to feel really bad about continually turning him down, I said I'd meet him this afternoon after work, at this place near where I work. However... yeah. Even if I do feel better by then (which is doubtful, because I still feel like absolute hell now), I don't want to go out to a place that close to where I work, for fear that someone would see me. So... heh... I guess I get to call Bus Stop Boy and weasel out of meeting up AGAIN.

2006-07-08 at 10:50 a.m.