If Your World Is All Screwed Up, Rearrange It

So on Tuesday night I made a rather last minute decision to go and visit my parents on my days off. They were going to come down to visit me on Thursday anyway, but instead ending coming Wednesday afternoon, picked me up after work, and whisked me away to Nutty McShitville. And I just got back about half an hour ago. My dad drove me back. Yep yep yep.

I didn't do anything spectacular while I was away. Mostly just hung out with my mom and the cats. Went to see my grandma a few times. And I did a lot of thinking.

And guess what I thought about.

I am just not impressed with my job at all, incase you didn't get that idea from my last entry. And Wednesday at work a whole bunch of other things happened, things that I don't feel like talking about, that made me even more unhappy. Things have changed, man. And things keep changing. I mean, I never really liked the job itself, but at least at first I liked the atmosphere. But now that's gone. And the constant dread that is in me before, during, and after work is really starting to wear me down. I can't go on like this. I've thought about this so much during my weekend, and I've discussed it a fair amount with my mom too and... well, if I make it through this week without quitting, I'll be surprised.

I am not looking forward to work tomorrow. I mean, it'll be 4 days since I've actually done my job, since I had the two full days of training there. And, of course, I'll have that new program that we're using... that should be fun. I love how they take two days to teach you how to use a new computer program, but you don't even really get to see it, let alone use it, until you're actually thrown out there to the wolves. I'm so nervous. And I'm so not impressed.

I'm keeping an open mind this week. I'm still open to the thought of working there forever, however I'm equally open to the thought of quitting in the middle of my shift tomorrow. We'll see.

I kinda miss being funny in my entries. Can anyone even remember the last time I wrote something that was even vaguely witty? Ugh. But don't give up on me, dear readers. Hopefully I'll be better again soon.

2006-07-07 at 4:04 p.m.