But The Useless Miami Vice Trivia Makes It So Worth It

I hate looking like an incompetant asshole. It would be one thing to look like one or the other, but both? Too much. What a horrible horrible shitty horrible day at work. Again.

However, I want to go on the record as officially proclaiming my undying love and admiration for Funny Little Supervisor. He is my hero all over the place. He's so funny and cool. I just adore him.

I still miss Creepy Supervisor, though. Damn, I hope he comes back someday.

Anyways, I traded in my big winner of a scratch ticket today, and got a very lovely Miami Vice scratch ticket in return. I had no idea these things existed. But as soon as i saw it I just thought "It has to be mine." And I thought it would be a big winner too, because, I mean, how can you not win with Miami Vice? However, apparently it's quite easy. So that sucks. I really could have used that 25k.

Apparently today, while I was in the middle of something, the big topic of conversation in my area at work was that I didn't have any "points", meaning that I've never missed a day, been late, or left early. I completely missed this, though, and why people were talking about it. But later on I had a few people go "Wow, so you have no points, eh? That's cool." Uh... yeah. And it will be so cool that day I finally snap because of this.

And that day will likely be tomorrow.

I officially hate these cheap jeans I bought. They are just fugly all over the place. But I just had to buy them, because of how cheap they were. But, yeah, I'm not a fan of these jeans. They're not the least bit flattering, and it's rather uncomfortable having pants that come all the way up, practically, to your neck. So, yeah, add these to the "What the hell was I thinking?!" pile.

That pile is getting pretty big.

Anyways... I have a big night of making hard boiled eggs and doing dishes ahead of me. Better rest up for that. Later, my beauties.

2006-07-02 at 4:10 p.m.