I Can't Retire On Just Two Bucks

So I went to the Good Mall yesterday and ended up spending over 150 bucks. I was quite impressed with myself. I didn't buy anything outrageously interesting. It was mostly just clothes. I so desperately need clothes constantly. I bought a pair of jeans, mainly because they were cheap, but they're a really weird fit. Like, they claim they're "Classic fit" which apparently means that the waist of the pants come 3/4 of the way up your torso. I mean, I'm not a fan of the super low riders either, but come on. There's got to be some kind of happy medium. But when I was looking around at the pants... no. Apparently there isn't.

Bus Stop Boy called me when I was at the mall yesterday. "So... want me to come over to your place?" Oh hellz no. But I explained that I wasn't at home and would be busy for a few hours, and he was all disappointed. Again. So he said he'd call me later that night, which he never did. Am I starting to feel like an asshole? Kinda. But you know what? He's impressed me less and less every time I've talked to him. I do realize that my expectations are impossible for anyone to ever meet, though. And had I not been in the middle of my massive shopping spree, I would have met up with him... although definitely NOT at my place. Or his place, for that matter. Neutral territory only. And I suppose I could have said "Well, hey, I'm at the Good Mall right now and, as you know, there's 50,000 Starbucks in this general area, so let's meet up there." But... I didn't. And ain't nuttin I can do about that now.

And the shift switch did eventually get approved late yesterday afternoon. What a pain in the ass. So... never again. No more being nice.

Work today sucked massive amounts of ass. I had the worst beginning of my day ever. I was thisclose to crying. And basically the whole day was just non-stop bullshit. However, I did get a couple of scratch tickets for having perfect attendence last month. I dunno if that's a new thing work is doing, or if that's just something that Funny Little Supervisor does. He just came up to me all of a sudden, asking "Did you want two Taxis or two Blackjacks?" And I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. But, yeah, they were lottery tickets. And I took the two Taxis, by the way. I haven't scratched them yet, though. I could be a thousandaire! Just a second, let me see... Oooh, I won two bucks. Yay.

And, of course, today is Canada Day. So... Happy Canada Day! And a happy time and a half to me. Almost makes the shit I put up with today worthwhile. Almost.

2006-07-01 at 3:47 p.m.