Bored To Death On A Friday Morning

I hate being so conditioned to waking up early. On my weekends, it just drives me insane because I have to wait hours and hours before anything is open. It's very annoying.

I'm also a little bit concerned about something... does everyone get 3 reminder cards to do the Census when you've already done it? I got my third one yesterday with "Final Notice" written on it in big red letters, and I didn't notice that anyone else had one. And there was something on the news yesterday about, worst case scenario, they will throw you in jail for not doing the Census. I've done it, though. It was dumb as hell, but I did it. But the fact that I seem to be the only one who keeps getting these reminder cards makes me nervous.

Also, that girl who I'm probably trading shifts with tomorrow was supposed to call me, I think, to let me know if we got the green light to do that. Which I still think is so stupid. Anyways, though, she hasn't called yet, and that also makes me nervous. I mean, I got her number too... she actually gave me both her home and cell phone numbers, but I just noticed that her home number only seems to have 6 digits. So, I mean, I can still call her cell, but I really hate calling people. That is in my top 5 weirdest phobias... I am litterally afraid to call people. If they call me, that's fine. But man... I just find it so hard to call people.

However, I will find it even more hard if I end up showing up for work 2 hours late tomorrow because the shift switch got rejected.

And, speaking of calling people and being called... Bus Stop Boy called again last night. "Wanna go out for coffee?" Um... no. I was already in bed. But then I said "Maybe tomorrow" and he was all like "Yeah yeah, totally." Then he wanted to talk for a while, and I was already half dead so that basically just annoyed me. Then he said he'd call me again today so we can arrange to meet up and... yeah. Ugh.

But, hey, in happier news... as it stands right now, here on this last day of the month... I have about 700 extra dollars. Well, today was the third pay day this month, which isn't going to happen very often. And I do live on a month to month basis, as opposed to a paycheque to paycheque basis, if you know what I mean, so litterally all of the money I received today... 100% gravy. And this money cannot be passed on to next month, in my head, because once today is over, it's officially savings and it cannot be touched until I finally break down and buy that new computer I'm unofficially saving for. So if I'm going to go wild at all, it has to be today. So... I'm going to the mall. And we'll see what happens. But something tells me I'll still have at least $650 left to go towards my new 'puter.

This entry sucks ass. But I'm just so bored. I want to go grocery shopping. And, hey, in another hour and a half, the place will actually be open.

2006-06-30 at 6:15 a.m.