Like Mensa. Except Less Smart.

What a baaaaaaaaad day. I mean, I realize I say that pretty much every day, but this one really takes the cake. I mean, it was painful. Just ugh. I don't want to talk about it.

I have no doubt, though, that it was so bad because I'm tired as hell. Well, I ended up going out last night with the Little Chickita. It was... okay. She had to brag about that guy she's "seeing". She is so screwed up, and that guy has got to be at least 50 times more screwed up than she is, but it's hilarious. It was actually good times hearing about it. I had many laughs at her expense. I figure they're either not going to last, or Little Miss Staying Pure Until Marriage is going to end up doing something she promised Jesus that she wouldn't. Or possibly both. Anyways, though, no matter what happens, I'll find it funny. But, you know, I wish them well. Or whatever.

And apparently, she's switched departments now too. Working for the dark side. Actually, I don't know why I keep referring to it as the dark side, it's actually a lot better lit over there than where I work. So, in a litteral sense, it is the light side. But, figuratively, it's still the dark side. And I'm officially one of the few who has yet to jump on that bandwagon, nor do I really have any desire to, despite several people saying I should. But I don't think it's worth it. At all.

So I didn't get to bed until, like, 10:30 last night. Then I was awake at 3:30. Um... that's not enough sleep. At all. And I think that was why I was such a collossal dumb ass at work today.

And Creepy Supervisor was MIA for the third damn day in a row. I'd like to know what the hell his problem is.

But, hey, today when a shadowy figure walked by me who looked like RSGM, it actually was RSGM. He waved at me. Good times. So I can add him back on the "Oh, so they aren't actually dead" list. Maybe someday I can put Creepy Supervisor back on there too. We'll see.

I know I say this every once in a while, but I need to do something with my life. I need something worth living for. I have a friend who keeps suggesting that I join the Conservative Party, just because it would be funny for someone like me to be a member of the Conservative Party. I gotta agree that it would, indeed, be funny. But joining a political party for laughs really isn't a good reason. But man, I need something. Like the Stonecutters or something. I don't know. Do they have any kind of organization for cynical angry people like me? If so, sign me up.

2006-06-19 at 2:49 p.m.