Change Is Not Good

So last night I was all ready to go to bed when I realized that my toilet had decided to clog itself for no reason, and was in need of some plunging. That's really not the kind of thing you want to discover when you're about to hit the hay. So I plunged, flushed, and watched the water rise slowly to the very top of the bowl. I died a little inside. So I waited for the water level to go down, plunged again, flushed again, and the same damn thing. So I ended up calling my mom in a frenzy, asking "WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!?!?!" She figured I was probably letting the water level go down too much, so she said I should just wait until it was low enough that I wasn't going to be splashing toilet water all over the bathroom, and try it then. Low and behold... success. Good thing my mommy is just a phone call away.

And that's my happy "Spent my Saturday night plunging my toilet" story.

I was talking to the Little Chickita last night on MSN... I swear to god, next time I see her in the flesh, I'm going to kick her ass. She just deserves a good ass kicking. Stupid spoiled arrogant egotistical little brat. Anyways... she's apparently "seeing" the idiot who didn't call her last weekend now. Good for her. That's not why I'm pissed at her, but it's just one more thing to be annoyed at when she talks about it constantly. And I saw this guy at work today, ended up asking him a work related question, but I almost added "Hey, and while I've got you over here... what the fuck, man?" She told me how a couple of weeks ago he spazzed out at her for being possessive, which she totally is, but now they're going out? Does he think she's going to get any less possessive now than she was before? Poor stupid bastard. I weep for him.

Sometimes I wonder why I haven't quit this job yet. I mean, other than the fact that I need the money. I'm just so miserable there, I can't even begin to tell you. Everything is so different now than it was a few weeks ago, and not in a good way. I'm really starting to get unhappy with this. I can't get over this feeling that everyone is judging me. I don't know why. I mean, that could just be my old Social Anxiety Disorder kicking back in again. But I feel so uncomfortable there around everyone. Not good, my friends. Not good.

Anyways, on that cheerful note... I'm outta here.

2006-06-11 at 2:58 p.m.