Hell + Handbasket


Anyways. Work today was a whole new kind of painful. And my tolerance was extremely low. I'm going to get into hell for my lack of empathy again, I just know it. But, you know... my job doesn't really pay me enough to be empathetic. Throw in another buck or two an hour, a longer lunch break, and some paid time off then... well, I'll be empathetic to everyone. But until then, only those I deem worthy will get my empathy.

Like, I can't be empathetic towards idiots who turn a 4 minute job into a 15 minute job, just because they're stupid as hell. And then they start asking me how to do their job and it's just like... no. I don't have time for that. They should know their job. I don't ask them how to do my job.

No empathy. No empathy at all. But you know what? I don't ask people to be empathetic towards me. I'm not even empathetic towards me. I have no sympathy for my constant bitching and moaning and misery either. So... there you go.

So I don't know why, but I keep asking my Tarot cards questions and they keep telling me nothing but good things. In a way it pleases me, but in another way it just annoys me, because I'm sick of seeing nothing but goodness, I need some reality put back in me. And I'd like to know who this successful and established male over the age of 35 that the cards keep referring to is. Apparently this guy is going to help me out in some way. I want to meet this guy. However, today at work... I was sitting there all hungry when Creepy Supervisor came over to tell me that there was free pizza in the lunch room. I was thinking about that and... you know, that's probably what the cards were referring to. I don't know how old he is, but I imagine that he's gotta be at least 40. He's fairly successful and established, I mean he's working at that Funny Farm, but he's got himself a position of authority. And he helped me out by informing me of the pizza. So... yeah. That was probably it. Thank you, Tarot Cards, for predicting that for me.

Well... I got a lot accomplished yesterday. I did some grocery shopping, cleaned up my apartment, and made more pasta salad. This batch isn't quite as good as the last, though. Last time I made it with ranch salad dressing, which is the hotness, but this time I made it with mustard and mayo. Not so much with the hotness, but edible nonetheless. Plus I put a can of tuna in there, so now my entire kitchen smells like mustard and tuna, which was okay at first, but is now starting to drive me a little bit insane. I need to find a way to get rid of that.

2006-06-10 at 2:03 p.m.