Happy 666 Day!

I don't really have a whole lot to say, but I knew that I just had to write something on this, the most holy of days. 06/06/06. Oh yes. Only happens once every 100 years. I'm probably (hopefully) not going to live to see the next 06/06/06. So this does call for a celebration, you know.

Work today was so stupid. I can't even begin to tell you. Something happened today, though, that makes me think my chance of getting a bonus this month has been blown (although it's not technically my fault), and has got me reconsidering whether, at any time and in any way, I actually want to take on more responsibility at this job. It's hard to explain. Actually, no, that's not true... it would be very easy to explain. But it would involve giving away more information about my job than I want to in here. So let's just leave it at that.

Today, not at work but just outside of work, I saw about 50,000 good looking men in nice suits. I almost died. It was euphoric bliss for me. After all these years and so many changes in me as a person, I'm still a sucka for a guy in a suit. I mean, I don't know what was going on that brought all of them flocking to that neck of the woods, but it was quite great. Oh yes. Always been a big fan of such things.

I'm doing laundry right now. Can you tell? Oh yes. I suppose it'll be done in a few minutes. I've discovered that I really hate doing laundry. I liked it just fine when I was still living at home, but here it's definitely a pain in the ass. Sometimes I wonder if I'd be better off just washing my clothes in the bathtub or something. The laundry room is just so damn far away.

Wow. Yeah, I really did have nothing to say going into this. Just, you know... happy 06/06/06.

2006-06-06 at 1:54 p.m.